

The year 2025 is a ‘9’ (2+2+5=9)!
Do you know the meaning of the number 9?

The number 9 announces the final achievement of the universal, it opens horizons and raises consciousness, it is love and positivity! Associated with a personality, it is idealistic and has a sense of the absolute.

The 9 is a symbol of universality and love in the broadest sense, evoking divine power and excellence. Finally, the 9 calls for communication, independence and personal sacrifice.

The 9 is the number that, at the end of the road, knows how to understand, analyse and above all share.

We surely need these qualities if we are to LIVE BETTER (Mieux Vivre) together.

In my programme for this year, I’m offering body awareness courses to help you better UNDERSTAND the language of your body and raise your level of consciousness, foot readings to help you better ANALYSE your current situation, and seminars to add a skill, something you can SHARE enabling you to communicate differently, simply and directly with your surrounding.

My individual massage sessions enable you to understand your habits with your body, to stop physical pain, to stop unwanted emotional states and to become aware of your personal needs.
January promotion: Price per session: 110 Frs. (1 hour)

What is my path? Who am I? Perhaps you’re asking yourself this question at the start of the new year? … or how can I get out of a situation where I’ve lost perspective and feel so caught up that I’ve lost my bearings? Where are my qualities and how can I use them better?
My foot readings give you an outside view of your situation, make you more aware of your strengths and weaknesses and help you use them to manage a situation or determine your future strategy.
January promotion: 1 individual foot analysis for CHF 120 instead of CHF 150 (duration 1 hour)

My seminars take place over 1 or 2 days. Together we explore different states of body awareness through a variety of exercises. We share our experiences in a warm and respectful atmosphere. We learn to listen to our bodies and to others. The group enables us to move forward more quickly. These meetings are always connected to a particular theme, such as:

  • how to tame and manage my fears?
  • Getting out of burn-out! The tools for getting back on your feet.
  • Refocus and relax to get to clarity
  • How can I deal with the incessant chatter in my head? How to ground and stabilise yourself.
  • Learning to feel good! What is a pattern of behaviour? How can I free myself?
  • The art of slowing down to learn how to live
  • etc etc

Programme 2025, dates and venue on request

The body has an amazing ability to balance itself. This 4-day course in a small group (max. 6 people) teaches you to recognise the feet as a mirror of the whole human body and to stimulate and support healing capacities with simple touch techniques on the feet. You learn how a person uses their strengths and how to adapt touch techniques to the needs of the individual. This technique brings attention to the body and reduces pain.

This method can also be used with friends or a couple looking for another way to relate, but also to soothe menstrual pain or for people who want to relax while travelling. It is appreciated by adventurers who want to regain their strength quickly during expeditions. These techniques are also for mothers who like to massage their children to help them fall asleep easier or to create a playful and simple contact. For anyone who wants to find greater physical well-being and enjoy working and learning with their body.

For all information, email or phone +41 78 719 27 11 – Sessions on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.


Dear All!

I wish you all a very happy New Year! We start a quarter of a century!

It looks like 2025 will be very special. According to numerology, it is the perfect time to let go of everything we want to leave behind and open our arms wide in order to welcome the new. To be able to write a new page in our history, is a gift we receive. Let’s celebrate the small and big moments of happiness and welcome the challenges on our way so that we can learn to grow again and again. There are always plenty of ways to deal with what happens to us.

Warmhearted greetings! Rita

PS: I shall be able to welcome you with pleasure at “Espace Mieux Vivre” also in 2025 on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.


January 2024
I have a faint suspicion: “You’ve made a New Year’s resolution.” That’s great! ….. But are you aware of the grim statistics that say only 23% of us keep it until the end of January and only 8-9% are still committed at the end of the year?
That’s why I’ve decided not to give you any advice on how to keep your resolutions, such as visualizing yourself living in abundance, finding the partner of your life, losing weight, etc., every morning and afterwards take a step towards your goal every day. In the same way, never say the opposite: “I’ll never find that flat or that new job”… You know the drill!
No, I’d like to give you a resolution that you can actually keep. A resolution that is very important for our brain and our body.

Stay hydrated!

Why should you?
The human brain consists of 95% water.
A 2% drop in the body’s water content has an impact on things like concentration, memory, clarity, coordination, endurance and our general energy levels.

In the United States, it has been found that 75% of the population suffers from mild but chronic dehydration.

Hydration is also an anti-ageing secret! With a well-hydrated body, your skin looks more like a juicy grape than a sultana! 😀

Did you know that even when you’re sitting down, your body is constantly dehydrating?

We all know that you need to drink water. We also know that coffee, tea and sodas don’t count for true hydration. On the contrary caffeine and theine dehydrate us. Vitaminised water is full of artificial sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame etc) which, has long been proven, create numerous health problems. The word ‘vitaminised’ was a real marketing coup!

A quick reminder of the benefits of good hydration:
– less fatigue
– keeps the blood moving in the veins and arteries and prevents high blood pressure and other vascular diseases
– reduces allergies and asthma
– has a positive effect on skin disorders and premature ageing, When lacking water, the body is unable to rid itself of toxins and becomes irritated and congested (acne, etc)
– helps to stop weight gain. The body cannot create the energy it needs to function properly when cells lack water.
– slows down the ageing process. All organs need water to function. A body without water has to work harder. Water eliminates toxins, improves digestion and makes you look younger.

How much water should I drink?

It is said that you need 8 glasses of water a day. This may be too much or too little. It all depends on where you live and how active you are.

Our bodies have a mechanism that tells us how much water to drink. Unfortunately, when we feel thirsty, we are probably already dehydrated. This is particularly true for people over 60, as the thirst mechanism becomes slower after this age.

The body’s more subtle signals that we need water :
– fatigue
⁃ hunger
⁃ dry, dull skin
⁃ pronounced wrinkles
⁃ dark, yellow, concentrated urine
– constipation
⁃ infrequent urination. (normal 7-8 times a day)
⁃ back and joint pain

How do you calculate the amount of water you need?
Half your body weight in ounces of water each day.
Example: 120 pounds 60 ounces of water should be enough.

This makes more sense than 8 glasses of water a day.

A glass of water with lemon juice in the morning is good for the liver as it helps detoxification. Lemon does not interfere with the hydration process like coffee or tea.

Keep a bottle of water on your desk. Choose the type of bottle that suits you best: plastic or metal.

Ayurveda recommends drinking water in small sips throughout the day, as it warms up the water slightly. You drink it like coffee.

Cold water with ice cubes is not recommended for many reasons. One of them is that it cools the fat in the body (somehow like when you pour cold water over fat in a pan). Cold water constricts blood vessels and slows down the digestive process, leading to bloating and constipation.

Don’t drink a lot of water with food, as this dilutes the digestive juices and therefore slows down the digestion process.

Drink a large glass of water 15 minutes before eating, as the feeling of fullness will encourage you to eat less.


I’d like to thank you for still being here with me reading my newsletter, because I realise that it is quite long. So here’s the last word:

Thousands of people have lived without love – but no one without water!

In 2024, let’s have LOVE AND WATER! I wish you all a very happy new year!

Newsletter April 2023

The new series of MLC classes gives us the opportunity to let go and experience our body free from its limits.The series of movements allow us to make peace with our often overworked and tired bodies especially during spring time. It is an excellent opportunity to let go of our tensions, worries, fears and preoccupations during a truly healing session. The class offers a time once a week to touch down and strengthen again your body. You will come out fit to start your week, refreshed, renewed and ready to lead your life with enthusiasm, confidence and courage.Location: Maison de Plainpalais, 1 rue de la Tour, 1205 Geneva
Dates: Thursday evenings 27.4., 4.5., 11.5., 25.5., 1.6., 8.6., 15.6. and 22.6. (18.5. Ascension – no class)
Price: Frs. 160 for the 8 sessions
Hours: 18.30 – 19.45
Registration: or 078 719 27 11
Trial class: Frs. 20
Language: French
What is MLC? Vidéo
some free places left in this series


In this complex and demanding world, wise self-management is THE key skill you need to succeed and to maintain for your well-being at work and in your private life.

I am pleased to welcome Beat Edelmann, certified coach and trainer with federal patent, ZRM® coach and ZRM®* trainer, who works with this amazing method,
on Saturday 27 May 2023 in my cabinet Espace Mieux Vivre.

*ZRM is a self-management training developed at the University of Zurich that increases the options for action in difficult and stressful situations.


Take the opportunity to work on something that is important to you with individual sessions this spring.
It could be: a relationship that is causing you problems, a situation that is taking up a lot of energy, a loss of a loved one or an important change that requires flexibility and letting go, a difficulty in reaching an important goal in your life, a frustration or fear, a pain or tension or an inability to relax etc. We will focus on the issue that is bothering you in order to reach your goal through targeted bodywork and discussion to empower you to bring about the desired change.

Sessions every day of the week except Monday
Fee: Frs. 150 for the analysis of the subject and Frs. 100 per session with bodywork inspired by my 30 years of experience as a teacher in movement and body. Special rate for students, AVS and AI.
I am ASCA certified

THE FEAR OF FEAR – upcoming workshop 

A workshop about our fears and how to deal with them to truly get out of the victim state.
Fear, courage and self-confidence go together! How does it work? I let you discover in my next workshop.

More information to follow.


Avi Grinberg published his new book in English. Check-out its presentation:

February 2022

Two short demonstrations of MLC© movements (freeing emotions and tackling sleeping problems)

I am pleased to offer you here a short video from Marie-Lise Labonté who shows us a movement of the MLC© classes aiming at freeing emotions.

Often, when we go through emotions, we hold them back in our diaphragm as if we were holding back water – symbolically speaking water corresponds to emotions in the unconscious. 

This movement is excellent to help us free from recurrent emotions or free us from emotions that are stagnating in us.

Following the stop of sanitary restrictions in Switzerland I shall soon again be giving MLC© classes in the “maison du quartier” every Thursday evening at 18h30. Further information shall follow shortly.

Click here for the video:

Who hasn’t experienced sleeping problems? These problems exist for many various reasons… During MLC© practice there is a movement that invites us to enter a state of altered consciousness that helps us to sleep deeply. I invite you to practice this movement daily.

Click here for the video:

Newsletter January 2022


with excellent friends to share good things that give you strength and make you grow
full of moments with laughter and complicity
with a healthy appetite and in good shape
freedom without restrictions
projects that delight you and make you feel good
full, full of love and satisfaction

(Promotion – I take charge of myself)


(a desire does not change anything, a decision changes all)

Tiredness, lack of spirit, pain or dysfunction? I offer massage sessions to stimulate the  multiple capacities of self-healing of your body. They have a clear effect on your physical, emotional and intellectual well-being.
Stop postponing to tomorrow! Take charge of yourself! Have all your strength at your disposal in order to bring your projects to a successful conclusion or to feel simply well in your skin. Start the new year in good shape and take a break far away from your personal  worries and the troubles in our current environment.
Session of well-being or recuperation. I have 30 years of experience in various techniques of touch and self-development.
Promotion: Frs. 90*
* includes a session with a short analysis and bodywork for new clients
New page – new focus!


The good news is that stress is not the problem… To be ‘well’ is not to live in a state of perpetual safety and calm, but to move fluidly from a state of adversity, risk, adventure, or excitement, back to safety and calm, and out again. Stress is not bad for you; being stuck is bad for you.”

Are you having a stressful issue with:

  • a business partner that seems to arouse irritation at each encounter
  • with the actual sanitary situation and it’s restrictions
  • your partner that exasperates you with a specific annoying behavior
  • a situation with your child that makes you react in a way you regret afterwards
  • a fear of an encounter with a specific person that makes you give up or angry
  • your daily way to work
  • a situation where you need to talk to a group
  • answer e-mails
  • etc etc

I am pleased to let you know that 2022 shall bring new possibilities to work with a stressful situation.
I offer a program focused on your personal situation that regularly creates stress and takes your energy. (at work, with your partner, with your children etc)
The program consists of a personal follow-up with 1 to 1 sessions and 5 odd group sessions to enhance personal training next to the bodywork you get in your individual sessions. This program allows a more powerful focused approach in stopping stress in your life. You profit from the energy of the group all while getting guidance and clarity in your personal stress-situation.

Anti-Stress-program 2022
Topic : A personal situation with stress
1st individual session : analysis “what, who, where, when” it happens
an assessment of your stress situation you want to change and focus on
1st group training: breathing technics, relaxation, movement
2nd individual session: learn the areas and sensations in your body that react in a stressful situation
2nd group session: learning about your posture when stressed, how to undo and let go of your physical reaction to stress, relaxation, movement
3rd individual session: looking at your beliefs about what happens to you in the stressful situation
3rd group session: learning to be silent, relaxation, breathing, movement
4th individual session: work with fear and emotions that emerge when stressed
4th group session: EFT – emotional freedom technic – acceptance and flow of emotions connected to your stress situation
5th individual session: experiencing ease and harmony in the body
5th group session: MLC (Méthode de libération de cuirasses) allowing flow of energy in the body – experiencing peace.

Price for the full program: Frs. 500 (partial payment possible)
100 frs. per individual session, group work: 5 x 2 hours free of charge
Start of the program: January 2022
Groups sessions take place on Saturdays
Minimum 3, maximum 5 people

For more info contact me via e-mail or phone




Prendre soin de soi dans ce climat anxiogène


En collaboration avec Leila Euloge’s ( et son initiative d’offrir un moyen de prendre soin de soi lors ces temps difficiles, je suis heureuse de vous proposer des séances de relaxation et récupération pendant le mois de janvier 2021 à un prix spécial de CHF 80 (1 heure).

La séance vous permet de vous relaxer, vous centrer et vous connecter avec votre souffle et votre corps. Ce genre de soin calme votre mental et réinitialise vos mécanismes d’adaptation, afin que vous puissiez répondre plus positivement aux défis et, au final, éprouver plus de joie.

N’hésitez pas de prendre contact pour un rendez-vous.

Je me réjouis de vous accueillir et vous souhaite d’excellentes fêtes de fin d’année!


Newsletter Juillet 2020

La vie après le confinement

L’été est de retour, avec ses splendides couleurs et sa nature en pleine force de vie!

Nous émergeons du confinement et peut-être vous vous posez la question; ce qui a vraiment de la valeur pour vous. Peut-être, ce temps de confinement a amené des questions comme; quel but vous poursuivez dans votre vie et qu’est-ce qui compte vraiment pour vous? L’histoire vécu laisse des traces dans notre mémoire mais aussi dans notre corps. Lors de cette époque agité et incertain, il devient évident, que le fait de prendre régulièrement soin de notre corps, nos émotions et notre paix mentale est devenu une nécessité pour garantir un équilibre et garder le cap de ce que nous voulez faire de votre vie.

Mon programme d’été est conçu pour se retrouver dans le but, de partager des moments dans la joie et de prendre soin de notre corps qui a subi du stress et réagit à la peur.

Donc, voici le programme pour les prochaines semaines! Bel été!!!

Classe MLC – le jeudi 23 juillet – à la rue Hesse 1 – 18h45 – 20h15 –  CHF 25

en français

Cette classe propose des exercices qui permettent de digérer les effets des mois passés sous le stress. Elle focalise sur ce qui reste comme tension et peur suite au confinement. Les mouvements permettent un flux d’énergie qui libère les tensions retenues suite à nos peurs. Les articulations dans lesquelles nous retenons souvent nos émotions et tensions peuvent à nouveau se relaxer et s’ouvrir dans un espace de confiance. Nous sommes donc à nouveau apte à nous détendre plus profondément et sommes capable de retrouver de l’énergie important pour notre santé, notre  vitalité et joie.                   

BodyLab rencontre de 3 heures le 8 août de 10h à 13h à la rue Hesse 1, 1205 Genève, Salle Hesse. (sur inscription) Frs. 60
Sujet: comment maintenir une discipline en gardant la motivation
La joie de bouger, de se détendre, d’être à l’écoute de son corps.
Exercices de silence, de mouvement avec de la musique, de détente et exercice pour libérer notre force et vitalité

Nouveautés pour les francophones!!

Nouvelle formation de praticien de la Méthode de Libération des cuirasses MLC en 2021.

Pour plus d’information rejoignez ce lien:




The Art of Decision Making 
Workshop of 29.2. and 1.3.20
Plaine de Plainpalais, Geneva

We are constantly confronted with choices… and can be hesitant. Know how to decide is an essential quality for everyone that wants to go forward. So how do we take a good decision?

The workshop “The art of decision making” gives us new tools that serve to find a solution to a situation. We use our body and all its qualities to shine a light on what hinders us to take decisions. Qualities like the intellect, acts we undertake, emotions we feel and needs to be fulfilled, find a place. Through various exercises you will learn to listen to the aspects that play a role in the act of deciding. You will then be able to better weigh up the pros and cons, see clearly your fears and beliefs and learn to trust further your intuition. The answer is often already in your body. Let’s take the time to listen and weigh up again in a new light what hinders you to go ahead. You are then able to decide in a state of self-knowledge.

Deciding is hard work – you’re not born a good decision-maker, you become one.

Place: Plaine de Plainpalais, Geneva
Dates: 29th February (group work) and 1st of March 20 (individual session)
Price: CHF 290 or CHF 230 for AHV, AI, unemployed and couples
Language: French translated into English
Teachers: Svetlana Lisan and Rita Rütsche


Newsletter January 2020

In the moment of this passage into a new decade, I am sending you my best wishes for happiness and health

May this new year allow you to keep your balance and confidence, during, what already looks like upcoming big changes on both, a planetary level, as well as on many personal levels. I wish you the strength ro reach out beyond your limits, to get to the dreams you have for yourself.

I thank particularly all those, who took an interest in my work during this last year. Your confidence gives me the strength to pass on a message very dear to me, the message of trusting and honoring  the unmeasurable wisdom of our body and to use its qualities that lie dormant.

Start of a new series of 10 classes with MLC (Méthode de libération des Cuirasses)


  • on 16th January to 26th March 2020
  • every Thursday from 18h45 to 20h15
  • at Maison du Quartier de Plainpalais, 1, rue de la tour, 1205 Geneva, 5th floor
  • Price CHF 250 (partial payment possible)
  • Free trial session on 9th January 2020


Are you hesitating ?
Are you at a crossroad in your life ?
Do you need to take a decision ?
Do you have all the intellectual details but you do not manage to make your choice ?
Your intuition tells you « yes » but you do not trust it …

When : Saturday 25.1.20 group work 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday 26.1.20 your individual session of 1h30
Place : Plainpalais – Geneva
Who : Svetlana Lisan and Rita Rütsche
Price: CHF 290
Language: French and English
We propose a weekend with immersion into the body and learning about body consciousness through the topic of « dilemma »

We have routines with many things in life. When we face choices, we also have habits. Many habits of all kinds, (postponing, doubting, choosing for the sake of getting on with it etc.) that give us a wrong impression of security but often hinder us from advancing.

Your habits are imbedded in your body and create blockages. To free yourself from them we use our body. Body attention allows us to « concientise » what blocks us from advancing. We then get access to the energy that brings us clarity, confidence and the strength to decide and act.

Our weekend has the aim to rise body awareness to find the “élan” to get out of indecision or simply assume our choices. We use a whole range of fun exercises involving music, our senses, breathing and movement. Our body then shows us the blockages much clearer and allows us to reach renewed energy, bringing clarity freedom and courage.

Our program also includes a demonstration of an individual session with a practitioner that uses touch to guide her client. An individual session for yourself shall close this weekend rich of experiences.

Clarity, joy, freedom, determination is part of our body. Our habits and reactions to fear often mask these forces. You can take your destiny in your hands!


Remember when you forgive you heal and when you let go you grow




Newsletter October 2019


On: Saturday 5th October 2019 

At: 1, rue Hesse, 1205 Geneva (next to Plaine de Plainpalais)

from: 13h to 17h

Price: CHF 60 

In: English

Silence is a unique and personal experience that exists when we are in harmony with what happens inside and around us. We experience silence when we are concentrated, present, physical and when we managed to stop the never-ending flow of internal dialogs (worries, stress, comments etc).

The Miniworkshop is an introduction in which I shall present a series of exercises, especially invented to find silence and to stop the noises that hinder us to be quiet, awake and capable to see clear. By using our body and its perceptions we learn the physical quality of the state of silence and recognize this quality as an important source for better health and balance. We shall practice several different tools that stem from my practice in bodywork since 29 years now. These methods are based on the human capacity to learn, to grow and to evolve by using the body and its perceptions.




MLC “Méthode de Libération des Cuirasses”

What about starting a real cool discipline without efforts


“I’d like to thank you again for the session of yesterday and for teaching us how to take care of us in general. I had such a great feeling of well-being yesterday after the session. I found the particular exercises we did yesterday allowed my body to relax and re-energize at the same time. ”

After a group session during a business seminar Megève:

“I greatly enjoyed our session with you.  I think your biggest asset (next to your extended experience) is your voice. You hit the right tone and speed during the relaxation part so that we gained enough trust to do the somewhat awkward moves thereafter and found joy with each other. I truly believe that any extended meeting shall have designed breaks for breathing, relaxation, movement, stretching … . I also see capabilities in these areas as being an important leadership skill as it helps breaking patterns, quieting our mind and prepare for the difficult discussions and engagements every true leader shall focus his/her attention on.”

Two encounters in the form of Miniworkshops. The dates and subjects are the following:

Saturday, 3.3. Movements to improve the back,
Saturday, 14.4. Movements for the belly and diaphragm

Meetings take place at rue Hesse 1, 1204 Geneva from 15h to 18h at Frs. 60 the encounter. 3 hours in English and French

MLC is an approach that puts you back in touch with a healthy souple body with sessions that fit easily into a busy schedule? Are you looking for wellbeing, physical health, a dialog with the intuitif aspects of yourself, guiding you towards clear goals, a quiet mind and your healing potential ?

MLC liberates from muscular, circulatory, energetic and postural blockages

To get to know this work, created by physios and therapists, I propose two upcoming encounters. They aim to sharpen your body conciousness and teach how to drop blockages through simple movements without effort. MLC (Méthode de Libération des Cuirasses ( is easy to learn and apply also at home.

Come and check out these astonishing simple movements which take you to deep relaxation, triggering the body’s healing process and bringing ease and happiness!

Registrations for either one or both at : or 078 719 27 11.

See you soon !


Workshop on Silence



“Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.”

quote by Emma Bombeck


Our third encounter of our series of mini-workshops focuses on the head and neck with the topic of quietness of mind.

Silence is a workshop that looks at the unique and personal experience that exists when we are in harmony with what happens inside and around us.
 By gaining awareness of the body we reduce the never-ending noise in our head and become fully present. We then are able to enjoy a state of well-being in which we are satisfied and in which we find nothing to add or regret. It is the moment when our senses are awake, present and attentive and we are capable of clarity and awareness about what surrounds us.

When doubt, fear and worries take all our attention and harass us, it is difficult to find the necessary distance in order to reflect upon our problems in peace. The never-ending noises such as worries, beliefs etc. disturb our sleep; allow neither relaxation nor patience, steal our energy and our drive for new challenges.

The mini-workshop teaches exercises to recognize and take care of the noises that hinder us to find peace and encourage finding silence by using the body’s capacity of perception. We learn to sense the physical quality of the state of silence and to experience this quality as an important source for better health and balance.

The simple physical exercises stem from our personal long experience in bodywork with various approaches to the body. Our work has the general aim to refine and stimulate  body consciousness to find more freedom of movement, of expression, strength and authenticity.


Place : Place des Augustins, -1, espace Mercedes Andany

14h to 17h

Price : CHF 60


Pascale Sengupta Nurse and Rita Rütsche Practitioner of the Grinberg Method and both Licensed Therapists of Méthode de Libération des Cuirasses MLC, 


Christmas Gift tokens for a 1 hour Soy-candle session

Soya BougieEnjoy an hour with a deep relaxing massage for better health and more energy. Apart from the pleasant warmth of the 100 % natural soy candle, the massage nourishes the skin, strengthens the muscles, improves blood flow and makes articulations softer. 

For yourself or as a gift to someone you appreciate!


Congres de Management de Projet

We shall again participate in the Congrès from 8th to 9th April this year. You are most welcome to visit us at our stand where we give 20 minutes taster sessions on neck and shoulders.

Intensif Retreat at Bogève from 30.10. to 1.11.15

Our next intensif retreat at Bogève is planned. Registration is open as of today (6.3.15). See testimonies from participants.

A four hours work-out focused on shoulders and chest and expressing from the heart rather then the head (see details in flyer below)

Workshop chest and heart 7.12.13




FULLY BOOKED Intensif sessions program from 17 to 19th January 2014. 6 individual sessions during 3 days with training and demonstrations and lots of time to relax, walk, read, enjoy the wonderful mountain setting of Vallée Verte (40 min. from Geneva) and the excellent vegetarian food of our cosy course house. (see feedback of a participant at the end of this flyer)




From Friday 17th to Sunday 19th January 2014

In Bogève, Vallée Verte


La Soleillette( the heart of Vallée Vertea calm setting with wonderful views 30 minutes from Geneva.  “La Solleillete” is an ideal place to get in touch with your nature and all that encourages health and well-being through natural processes. The course house lies in the middle of pastures at the end of the village of Bogève, 5 minutes from the plateau de Plaine-Joux and facing Massif des Brasses.


With the beginning of the year often appears the wish to change our habits, to give a new turn to our career or to make an old dream come true. However, it is not always easy to be clear about what needs to be changed, and even less to maintain our intentions in the long run.

Do you want to stop a physical symptom, tensions, aches, pain or discomfort? Or do you want to stop a habit such as the difficulty to say “no”, feeling automatically “below” others, loosing your confidence and courage when you want to express yourself, being stressed frequently, approaching life automatically with mistrust, etc?

Do you want to start the new year with clarity, strength, will, thoroughly rested and concentrated?

Marilyn Dévaud, Rita Rütsche et Tahona Santana, Practitioners of the Grinberg Method propose 3 intensive days of bodywork pursuing a specific individual goal, including:

*          5 one-hour individual sessions

*          3 group trainings to develop qualities such as body awareness, relaxation, silence,     strength

*          demonstrations of body work with beginner and advanced clients

 We have prepared a program aiming development of attention in an easy and pleasurable manner and without effort. Our program includes, on one hand your individual sessions, on the other hand several exercises aiming to develop awareness either through writing, descriptions or physical exercises. Between the sessions and the trainings you can simply enjoy your free time while walking in the beautiful winter setting or resting in the cosy and warm atmosphere of your course house.



500.– CHF all included (5 sessions and 3 trainings in the group).


In a double room: €72 (+ 10€ for sheets and readymade bed)

In a single room: €101 (+ 10€ for sheets and readymade bed)


€74 for the whole stay (3 meals per day and coffee breaks)

The meals are vegetarian and simply delicious!