Silence – finding quietness of mind

With silence comes awareness

Silence is a unique and personal experience that exists when we are in harmony with what happens inside and around us. By gaining awareness of the body we reduce the never-ending noise in our head and become fully present. We enjoy then a state of well being in which we are satisfied and in which we find nothing to add or regret. It is the moment when our senses are awake, present and attentive and we are capable of clarity and awareness about what surrounds us. When doubt, fear and worries take all our attention and harass us, it is difficult to find the necessary distance to reflect upon our problems in peace. The never-ending noises that are these worries steal our sleep; do not allow relaxation nor patience or energy for new challenges.

The mini-workshop about silence teaches a series of exercises especially invented to find silence. We learn to sense the physical quality of the state of silence and to recognise this quality as an important source for better health and balance.

The Grinberg Method is based on the human capacity to learn, to grow and to evolve by using the body and its perceptions and it’s main aim is to transmit the tools that allow taking your health and your life in your hands.

In times where much value is given to intellectual learning, the Method proposes an alternative that considers the body capable to reunite the necessary resources to maintain itself in good health as well as to achieve your personal goals.


Dates and hours:  Monday 16th May 2016 from 9h30 – 11h30

Place : 7, Place des Augustins, 1205 Geneva

Price : Frs. 60